Service & Outreach
Local & BeyondThere are a wide range of outreach opportunities to serve the local community, and beyond in the world. Outreach happens in many places at BCC! Listed below are some of the on-going and regularly occurring projects, however, there is also outreach efforts in other Church groups and new opportunities created all the time. The church newsletter and church calendar lists current and up-coming projects. To get involved, please contact names listed or call the church office at 246-0111 for more information.

Loaves & Fishes RI
This is a thriving ministry with 9 RI churches operating a food truck which serves the homeless and those in need by providing food, clothing, and basic necessities.
In recent years BCCUCC has been bringing donations packed in backpacks to Delsesto Middle School in Providence.
Knitting for Others
This group shares their special gifts of care and creative talents to create beautiful knitted items for others. Their projects include prayer shawls, hats for newborns and children, and other hand-made items for the wider community. They usually meet on the first Tuesday evening of the month (October thru May) from 7:00 – 9:00 in the Library or at a member’s home. New knitters and crocheters are always welcome. See calendar for the next meeting date.
Contact Nancy Arena, at for more information.

Refugee Resettlement
This is a new ministry we are just starting out on at BCCUCC. We have partnered with Temple Habonim and Dorcas International to help furnish apartments for newly arrived refugees throughout Rhode Island.
If you would like to get invovled, please contact our team leader Lory McCoy at
Mission Trips
For years BCCUCC has taken it’s senior high youth or intergenerational groups on mission trips. We tend to alternate trips between doing a local project in the New England or a more extensive trip to destinations further away.
The focus of these trips is not only to help others in need, but also to grow and learn through experiencing communities different from our own.

Other Outreach Programs
Disaster Relief
When a natural disaster occurs in the world, whether it’s a tsunami, earthquake or flooding etc., a special collection is often taken during worship and sent on to aid in rescue and rebuilding efforts.
TapIn – (Touch A Person in Need)
Serving neighbors throughout the East Bay, Tapin runs a food pantry, provides rides, furniture, household goods and children’s clothing for those in need. We have an on-going collection for the food pantry and other special drives throughout the year. For more information or to volunteer, contact Tap-In at 247-1444.
Deacons’ Fund
It is an old custom in our church to receive a special offering for the Deacons’ Fund on Communion Sundays. Administered by the Deacons, the fund is a remnant of one of the oldest traditions of the Christian church – extending a ‘helping hand’ to those in need in our church and immediate community.
Special Collections
- Giving Tree
- Mitten Tree
- Neighbors in Need
- One Great Hour of Sharing