Sunday Worship

    “No matter who you are,

               or where you are on life’s journey

                         you are welcome here.”

Worship Service @ 10 a.m. 


We invite you to join us in person in the sanctuary for worship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. All are welcome and masking is optional.

For those unable to attend in person, our multi-platform worship service is livestreamed and can be viewed on our Facebook Page or on our YouTube page.

If you are unable to join us in person, you can watch a recording of the service later at your convenience – at the links listed above and also on the BCCUCC Livestream page here on our website.

Upcoming Worship Schedule

Worship With Us

Our community gathers for worship on Sunday mornings in our light-filled sanctuary. Large windows that give glimpses of the river remind us of our connection to all of God’s world even while we have this time of rejuvenation inside.

We start our service sharing news and what’s happening in the church life. We hear the scripture, offer communal prayers of thanksgiving or confession, and lift up joys/celebrations and concerns in prayer. We welcome anyone to share their joys and concerns aloud (raise your hand and an usher will come over with a microphone). Our worship is blessed with our excellent and enthusiastic Choir, led by Music Director Matthew Marion. There is a variety of music and hymns, traditional and contemporary, and we are fortunate to have many talented musicians in our church family who will sometimes share their musical gift in worship.

There is a children’s time during every worship service. Children gather to the front of the church for a child-friendly ‘sermon’ from our pastor. Immediately following, children are dismissed and leave with their Sunday School teachers to their classrooms. On Sundays when there is no church school, children and youth are encouraged to worship with their families, which becomes an important faith forming learning opportunity. There are activity bags and crayons provided for those children who wish to use them.

Most Sundays include a reading of scripture and a sermon/reflection on how these words might be brought alive in our week ahead. There is an offering of our resources, time, and prayers, and lastly a benediction to send us off into our week and our world.

We offer the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome at our table. Our Deacons bring the bread and juice to each pew and we serve each other. Children are also welcome. Occasionally, we offer communion by intinction, inviting people to come forward to receive. Those who are unable to come forward are served in their seats. We use gluten free bread in communion.

Coffee Hour
Every worship service is followed by a time for fellowship and refreshment in Fellowship Hall that we call ‘coffee hour’. Coffee, tea and juice are served along with some baked goods and healthy snacks. There are often other educational or social activities going on at this time.

Nursery Care
Nursery Care is offered for infants and toddlers up to age 3. Infants and toddlers can be brought to the nursery located in the educational building. There is also a Nursery Nook in the Vestry below the Sanctuary where parents can take a fussy child, and the service can still be heard via loudspeaker. However, we believe that God put the ‘wiggle’ in children so don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house! You and your child are most welcome to remain in the sanctuary if you prefer.

Individual sound enhancement units, large print worship bulletins, and large-print bibles are available by asking an usher for assistance. Our buildings are handicapped accessible – there is a ramp at the side entrance to the educational building and an elevette on the ground floor of our sanctuary building. Details can be found on the Accessibility page.

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. – 

1 Peter 2:2-3