“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here”

Barrington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is an historic yet open and vibrant faith community in Barrington, Rhode Island.

Worship With Us!

We invite you to join us for our multi-platform Sunday worship service.  The service takes place in the sanctuary and we invite you to attend in person.  For those unable to be there in person, we invite you to attend virtually by watching the service as it’s livestreamed.


Meet the staff and clergy, read about our history, and find out about ministries and other activities.

Contact and Directions

Barrington Congregational UCC is located at 461 County Rd Barrington, RI 02806-2423. 

Our Welcome

We believe that all people are blessed and loved equally by God. Following the teachings of Jesus we heartily welcome everyone into God’s covenantal community. Whatever your race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic or marital status, variety of thoughts and beliefs, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression – whoever you are and wherever you come from you are welcome into the full life and ministry of our church.

Our Mission

The Barrington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, is a Christian community that worships God, embraces all people, ministers to one another, works for justice and peace, and renders loving service to God’s world.

BCCUCC News Center

How do pastoral transitions work?

How do pastoral transitions work?

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister With the recent announcement of my retirement from church ministry, I thought it might be helpful to talk about how pastoral transitions typically work in congregational churches. Now, every Christian tradition handles a change...

The Old and the New

The Old and the New

by Rev. Racquel Ray, Associate Minister of Congregational Life Happy New Year! The change of the calendar and the change in the weather bring also remembrances and renewals. Many of us review the previous year and resolve to make changes in the coming year. Some may...

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister Almost all of us in the church office are sick or have recently been sick. That's strange…although perhaps not unexpected. What's interesting is that none of us have the same thing, meaning we didn't all give it to one another....

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