Monday, October 9, 2023 (Indigenous Peoples Day)

Noon – 4 pm. VOLUNTEER!

Barrington Day of Caring is a community-wide event for individuals, families, friends, or teams to come together as volunteers to help eligible residents in need through service projects. This event is a Town-supported program in connection with many community and faith organizations. No skill set is needed to volunteer. However, your expertise is welcomed. Flier with photos

Register to volunteer: Deadline for volunteer applications is Thursday, October 5. Online Registration OR Download a registration form or pick one up from the narthex table. Rev. Dale Azevedo is one of the organizers of the event and encourages volunteers from BCCUCC!

On the day of the event, volunteers should arrive between 11 and 11:45 am to check in and/or complete registration. Volunteers will be divided into groups and depart from the Town Hall at noon to go to the various work sites. More information.

If you know of someone eligible for assistance, please be in touch with the organizers at  Site application deadline is Friday, September 22.

Site application form