Adult Education

At BCCUCC we like to offer regular opportunities for adult education and faith formation. The offerings ususally take the form of short-term seasonal programs lasting 4 to 8 weeks in leangth. They are open to our membership but also often to friends and other members of the community as well. If nothing is being offered right now, wait a few weeks and hopefully you’ll see something come along. Also, feel free to reach out to the church office or the ministers if nothing seems to be in the pipeline.


See our past and present Adult Education offerings:

Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

Journey through Lent to Earth Day exploring the complex issues around Environmental Justice in an 8 Week Bible Study prepared by the SNEUCC Minister for Environment and Economic Justice, Emma Brewer-Wallin. Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin will be joining BCCUCC on Sunday...

Join us for Climate Church, an Adult Lenten Study

Join us for Climate Church, an Adult Lenten Study

Dale is hosting a five-week Adult Ed program focusing on Rev. Kim Antal’s book, Climate Church, Climate World. We will be discussing the issues Jim raises in his book and the impacts some of his concerns and suggestions could have on our lives and in our church. This...