Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals
Baptism is one of two sacraments in our tradition, the other being communion. We set these apart from other important moments in life because they are what we are told in the Bible Jesus actually participated in.
We practice an “Open Baptism” policy in that we welcome all, no matter what the age, no matter whether members of the church or not. Baptisms usually take place during our regular Sunday worship service although under special circumstances private baptism may be arranged. Contact one of the ministers if you are interested.


We are delighted that you are considering having your wedding at Barrington Congregational Church, UCC.
We have prepared a document, ‘Your Wedding’ with detailed information for those interested in getting married at our church. Please read through all the information carefully before deciding if you wish to apply to have your wedding here. The list of wedding fees is included in the document.
One point of note when planning your wedding – our Sanctuary does not have a center aisle. Couples can decide which aisle they prefer to enter and exit.
The services of the church staff and the church facilities are offered to you with the purpose of making your wedding a joyous and spiritually meaningful event for you, your families, and your guests.
Get Started
A couple wishing to get married at the church needs to complete a Wedding Application Form and mail it back to the church at 461 County Road, Barrington RI 02806.
Upon receipt, a minister will review the application and contact the couple to discuss the possibility of having their wedding here. It is up to the discretion of the minister as to whether or not a couple may be married at this church.
Visit our Tour our Church page for photos of our sanctuary and facilities.
Funeral & Memorial Services
Our pastoral staff are always on call for pastoral care at the time of death of a loved one, not only for BCCUCC members, but also for the larger community.
Our staff and Sanctuary are also available for funerals and memorial services. Our ministers will work with you to plan a funeral or memorial service that suits your loved one.
BCCUCC can also host a reception following the service in Fellowship Hall.
More details are in our Funeral Planning Guide

Contact our church office at 246-0111 or email us at for further information.