The children in Haiti love hard boiled eggs! For those who receive an egg a day through the Egg-a-day nutrition program, the egg might be the only thing they have for breakfast and lunch on many days.

The program, started in Haiti in 2013 by the Haiti Task Force, arose from observing that many children were undernourished and not attending school nor doing well in school. With the assistance of the One Egg international program, eggs produced at the large Haiti Broilers farm, are transported to local communities where the women hard boil the eggs for the children at schools and orphanages.  There has been a noticeable improvement in school attendance and children’s health.  At the height of the program, 2500 children were being fed at 17 schools and orphanages at a cost of $25,000 a year. With the pandemic, schools closing, and donations dropping, the smaller program now supplies 5 orphanages and several school sites where the children can still get their eggs.

There is an urgent need for funds to keep the program going.  Hopefully the schools will be re-opening and new sites can be added to fulfill all the requests. (The yearly grant of $10,000 from the One Egg foundation has been cancelled.)

Checks can be sent to the church office with “Egg-a-Day” in the memo line or you can Donate Online (use the link).