BARRINGTON, RI – On Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 11:15am Barrington Congregational Church will be hosting Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, for a discussion of his book, Climate Church/Climate World. In his book, Rev. Dr. Antal considers the moral challenge of climate change, why people of faith should engage in it, and how they should do it. The event is being held virtually via Zoom and is open to all those in the community who wish to partake, regardless of religious affiliation.

“We’re excited and honored to have Rev. Dr. Antal with us for this discussion. He has been at the forefront of climate change since the early 1970s and is not only a respected climate activist but also a very well-respected theologian,” said BCCUCC Mission and Justice Team leader Helen Schall.

Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Senior Minister of BCCUCC said, “We have a very progressively minded congregation with many members who are interested and engaged in climate activism, and it is our hope that Rev. Dr. Antal’s discussion will continue our congregation’s path forward as one that cares about our entire global community.”

As this event is being held via Zoom, registration is required. Please email to register and receive the meeting ID and password.

Event Details At A Glance
Host: Barrington Congregational Church
What: Climate Change Workshop featuring Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, author of Climate Church/Climate World
Where: Virtually via Zoom | Contact Christine Wallis at to register
When: Sunday, March 14 at 11:15am
Cost: There is no admission fee for this event

About Barrington Congregational Church
Barrington Congregational Church – “the White Church” – is located at 461 County Rd., Barrington, RI. The Church was founded in 1660, incorporated as the United Congregational Society of Barrington in 1797, and has stood at its present location since 1737.

The United Church of Christ (UCC) was founded in 1957 as the union of several Christian traditions and is one of the most diverse Christian churches in the United States.

About Rev. Dr. Jim Antal
Jim Antal is a denominational leader, climate activist, author, and public theologian. He serves as Special Advisor on Climate Justice to the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. Antal’s book, CLIMATE CHURCH, CLIMATE WORLD, was featured in the Chicago Tribune on Earth Day 2018, and in Christian Century Magazine on Earth Day 2019.

​From 2006-2018, Antal led the 350 UCC churches in Massachusetts as their Conference Minister and President. Antal is a graduate of Princeton University, Andover Newton Theological School, and Yale Divinity School, where he was Henri Nouwen‘s teaching assistant. In 2017, Yale Divinity School honored him with the William Sloane Coffin Award for Peace and Justice. Before leading the UCC in Massachusetts, for 20 years Antal was a local UCC pastor in Shaker Heights, Ohio and Newton, Massachusetts. In the mid-80’s he served as Executive Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA), an interfaith pacifist organization. Antal began his ministry as a chaplain and teacher at several schools, including Northfield Mount Hermon and Phillips Academy Andover.