Draw Inspiration from MLK

Draw Inspiration from MLK

by Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister of Congregational Life   As we observe the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday over the coming days, may we take a moment to reflect. Most of us know the history and legacy of MLK. What can we glean and carry forward...
What does Christmas mean to you?

What does Christmas mean to you?

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister What does Christmas mean to you? I thought it would be fun to explore what the “true” meaning of Christmas is. Frankly, because Christmas is such a cultural phenomenon, there are many different, and sometimes...
A Light Breaking Forth

A Light Breaking Forth

by Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister of Congregational Life   I enjoy marking the dwindling daylight of December days. I observe the sunrise and sunset times and the low angles of sunrays that beam through the southern windows. My afternoon walks are hastened...
The Creative Spark

The Creative Spark

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister “And God looked at all that God had created, and it was very good.” (Gen 1:31) There is power in creating. We can feel it when we do it. Maybe it is because we were created in God’s image? Maybe it is because...
Let’s Talk About Money….

Let’s Talk About Money….

by Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister of Congregational Life   Let’s Talk About Money……said NO Pastor ever!  Well, that’s not entirely true, is it?  We can honestly say that for most of us talking about money is uncomfortable.  Especially in a church context,...