Church School
Detailed information about our Church School classes and other programs for our children and youth can be found in
A Guide to Faith Formation for Children and Youth at BCCUCC 2024-2025
How Our Church School Happens
Families come on Sunday morning for worship. Young children (birth thru age 3) are welcome in our nursery prior to the start of worship. Children aged 4 and older attend the first 15 minutes of worship with their parents.
After the “Children’s Message” portion of worship, children aged Pre-K thru Grade 8 will walk downstairs to group up by age with teacher assistants. They will then be escorted as a group to the Education Building next door for their church school lesson.
Church school ends at approximately 11:10 to allow time for parents to transition from worship to coffee hour. Parents are asked to pick up their children directly from their well-marked classrooms at 11:10. Children will not be released without a parent present.
Volunteering and Church Safety
Volunteers who work with our children and youth are required to complete a Volunteer Application Form and agree to abide by our Safe Space Policy.
All children and youth from infants through Grade 12 who participate in any church activities need an up-to-date Church School Registration Form on file.

Birth thru Preschool
Loving nursery care is provided for babies, toddlers and preschool-aged children.
Godly Play
Pre-K thru Grade 2
Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond. Come join us!

Deep Blue Rotation Stations
Grades 3 thru 5
This group will be immersed in the Bible stories by using the Deep Blue Rotation Stations Curriculum. By using a rotation format where the children alternate between learning stations each week, they are engaged in Bible stories and characters through art, cooking, games, missions, storytelling/drama and spiritual practices. Each story will remain the same for three Sundays, but the children will encounter it in three different ways through the different stations. Repetition is an important part of Deep Blue.
Grades 6 thru 8
This year the Seekers will learn about and celebrate the world religions – including the wide diversity within each religious tradition including Christianity. The religious landscape of the U.S. and globe continues to change rapidly and its diversity is immense. With an ecumenical and interfaith focus, this program is intended to grow curious, respectful, and inclusive seekers and believers. We’ll learn about beliefs, rituals, prayers, worship, and people of various traditions worldwide.

Confirmation Class
Grades 8 thru 9
Confirmation marks the beginning of a journey toward adulthood in which an individual takes responsibility for shaping his or her own values and faith.
Through this program, youth discover how to express their Christian values in daily life, affirming the vows of Baptism. It also seeks to bring an increased awareness of what it means to live in a world with multiple expressions of faith. This diversity will be celebrated while we question, explore, relate, connect, listen, and share together as people of faith.
Worship and Assistance with Church School
Grades 9 thru 12
Youth who have completed confirmation are encouraged to participate in Sunday worship with adults or to assist in the nursery, classrooms, and with Church School events.