Church Ministry Teams

The congregation is the heart of all our activities. We would love to have you involved – and we need you! Here is a list in alphabetical order of our ministry teams and committees.


Concerned with the worship life of our church community, the Deacons advise on worship, assist with the sacraments of baptism and communion, and provide guidance and learning opportunities for important issues.

Chancel Team
Creating a beautiful and inviting space for worship each Sunday, the Chancel team arranges for altar flowers and the care of the chancel. A special part of this ministry is delivering the altar flower bouquets to church members in need of a visit with the thoughts and prayers from the church service.

Music Team
Music plays an important role in our Worship. This team works with the ministers and our Music Director, Marina, to support our choirs, music programs, and the annual Choir Celebration Sunday as well as explore ways to enrich the role of music in our faith life. It is also responsible for the care of the musical instruments.

Usher Team
Ushers play an important role in our church service, welcoming and seating people in the sanctuary, and also collecting the offering. This team organizes and coordinates the Usher teams. Learn more about the Usher role in the church service.

Staff Parish Relations Ministry
This ministry team facilitates open and healthy communication and fosters relationships of trust and understanding among the congregation, ministers and staff. It provides a sounding board for the church membership, the ministers and staff. The team also oversees compensation, benefits and personnel policies for the professional and paid staff of the church for approval by the Church Council.


Mission and Justice Ministry Team
A wonderful place for those concerned about the mission and outreach of our church – how we respond to the larger world. The team hosts programs and leads educational programing within our church to expand our people’s minds about social justice issues, challenge their generosity, and offer opportunities for action.

Lay Visitation Ministry Team
Members of the team offer their support and call on those in our church community who are in need — homebound, dealing with an illness, or grieving the loss of a close family member. Confidentiality is respected at all times.


Christian Education and Youth Ministries Team (CEYM)
This group develops programs for life-long learning for our community of faith, including Christian education programs and activities, church school, Godly Play, confirmation, youth fellowship and O.W.L. (Our Whole Lives). Volunteers are welcome to be Church School teachers and helpers. CEYM hosts two annual all-church picnics, on the first and last Sundays of the church school year.

Organization & Properties

Buildings and Grounds Ministry
This team is charged with the care, upkeep, and improvements to the church and education buildings, the grounds and the two parsonages. The team organizes “Church Clean-Up” days for those who enjoy hands-on experience tending for the church properties.

Membership Ministry Team
At BCCUCC, we want people to feel welcome to our church! This team helps people to get acquainted, and learn more about our church . They also coordinate the Greeters on Sunday mornings. The team is responsible for matching the gifts of our members with the needs of our church, inviting church members to join teams that will best highlight their gifts. They look for candidates willing to serve as church officers, Deacons, delegates, or on ministry teams.

Endowment Ministry Team
The team oversees the development and management of our Endowment funds.

Finance Ministry Team
This team is responsible for developing and administering the church’s budget and for managing the financial affairs of the church.

Stewardship Ministry Team
The team looks for people with innovative minds and energetic bodies to educate and assist people in our church community to give generously of their time, talents and resources so our church can do God’s work in the world. It plans, organizes, promotes and conducts an annual membership canvass based on the total fund-raising effort that is necessary to support the annual budget.