Directions to Our Church
Our church is located at 461 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806 (at the corner of County and Federal Roads.) We are the white church at the traffic light by the bridge over the river, and opposite the high school athletic fields.

Driving Directions:
From Providence/Route 95
Take Route 195 East to exit 7 (route 114 South).
After approximately 5½ miles on Route 114 you will come to a traffic light. The church is very visible as the “White Church” on the far left corner of the intersection. Entrance to the main parking lot is just past the church education building on your left (across from Barrington High School athletic fields) and is the Park and Ride lot.
From Newport:
If you are coming from the South (Newport) take the Mount Hope Bridge to Bristol and follow Rt. 114 North through Bristol and Warren into Barrington.
As you come into Barrington on Route 114 – County Road – you will cross 2 bridges and then go straight through 4 sets of traffic lights (at Rumstick Rd, the Barrington Shopping Center, the Bike Path and Maple Ave).
The church is located on the right just before the 5th set of traffic lights. Entrance to the main parking lot is just before the church education building (across from the Barrington High School athletic fields) and is the Park and Ride lot.