We invite you to make a donation to our Chancel Fund this Easter.

Money donated to this fund will be used to help beautify the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday, pay for spring plants to be delivered to our homebound, sick or recently bereaved, and contribute to improvements in the sanctuary space throughout the year to enhance the worship experience.

Even though we are not able to gather in the sanctuary to worship this Easter, we will still be decorating the altar area in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The Deacons will also be delivering spring plants to our homebound etc. as is their custom.

Donations to the Chancel Fund, in any amount, may be made in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for, or celebration of, someone or something (a person, birthday, anniversary, etc). The donors and dedications will be listed in the Easter Sunday worship service.

There are now two ways to make a donation:


1. Download a Chancel Fund donation form, fill out the requested information then mail to the church office, together with a donation check in any amount.


2. Donate online from our church website. Use the Tithe.ly link on our donation page, designate your donation for ‘Chancel Fund (Easter Flowers)’ and then add your dedication in the memo box. Be sure to include who is making the donation as well as if it’s given in memory, celebration, or in honor of someone or something.
It’s easy to make an online donation from our church website (watch a short video) and you don’t need to sign in or have a Tithe.ly account.

We ask that all donations and dedications be received in the church office by Friday, March 26th.

Thank you for your donation.