by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister
Dear friends and members of BCCUCC,
Did you hear Kim Fernandez share in church on Sunday? She did a wonderful job talking about the IMPACT BCCUCC has had on her and her family. From growing up in the church singing in the children’s choir, to attending mission trips with the youth group, to the tremendous support her family received following the death of her sister, and now to raising her own kids in the church, BCCUCC has had a deep impact on Kim’s life. And do you know who made that impact? YOU!

(If you missed Kim, you can watch her here. Her talk begins at the 50:00 mark.)
Because you and others are engaged in the church, you have had an incalculable impact on people’s lives.
When Elizabeth and I consider all that we give to the church, our gift grows from our appreciation for the impact our church on our members, throughout the community, and around the world. Our generosity, in all its forms, comes from our expressions of gratitude for this ministry. I hope you will consider joining us, Kim, and so many others in making a commitment to be engaged in our church this coming year.
This year, our annual stewardship campaign is focusing not only on the financial gifts we offer, but on all the different ways we give. If we are to continue making an impact on people like Kim and her family, then it takes a commitment from all of us to give of our time, our talents, and our treasure.
Over the next few weeks in church, you’ll hear people like Kim encourage us to consider all the ways in which we give. We will imagine what more our church could do if we could break free of the shackles of scarcity of time and money. We will hold a ministry fair, Ye Olde Ministry Faire, highlighting all the way you can get involved in our ministry. And we’ll challenge one another to consider how we can each be more engaged over the year to come.
All of this will conclude on November 17, when we celebrate Consecration Sunday. On that day we will take time in worship to consecrate all our gifts (time, talent, and treasure) with a special liturgy. Then, following worship, everyone is invited to join us for a congregation-wide lunch, catered by Blue Kangaroo.
God has made, and continues to make, a remarkable IMPACT on the lives of our members and community. Your engagement in our congregation makes this possible. I hope you will join me in turning in a commitment card on Consecration Sunday, celebrating all the ways you plan to ENGAGE with our ministries over the coming year.
Thank you for joining me in being a part of Barrington Congregational Church, UCC.
Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo
Sr. Minister, BCCUCC