Justice and Peace
At BCCUCC we see our Justice Ministry as an essential part of our Biblical witness. Scripture is filled with calls for justice and for those of means and power to stand with the marginalized and oppressed. This witness is found in laws of Moses, the divine words of the prophets, and the daily actions and teachings of Jesus. We live out our faith as we live out our call to stand for justice.
Open & Affirming Team
Open and Affirming (ONA) is the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, and other bodies in the UCC which make a public covenant of welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. BCCUCC became an ONA church in 2010.

Green/Solar Team
We believe that creation is sacred. As stated in Genesis, God has made us stewards over creation. It is our job to protect the environment and ensure that its resources are utilized wisely and that it remains for future generations.
In the past this team has focused recycling in the church, creating a pollinator garden, and discussing climate change. Currently, they are working on adding solar panels to our facilities.
Asylum Team
Our Asylum Team was created in the late spring of 2024 with the goal of helping an Afghan family who had been separated and displaced settle into a new life in Nova Scotia. Our long-term plans are to establish an ongoing relationship with the Unitarian Universalist Association of Nova Scotia supporting their sponsorship of refugee families.
For more information contact Rev. Gabrielle Sclafani.

Barrington Interfaith Partners
Barrington Interfaith Partners (BIP) is a group of laypeople from different houses of worship throughout the Barrington area. They work to educate themselves and their communities about racial and social justice, and to create a more just society.
Members of BCCUCC have been active in BIP since its founding!
Royalties for Negro Spirituals
This initiative recognizes the deep biblical connection between justice and worship, and acknowledges that congregations have been blessed by hearing and singing Negro Spirituals for centuries. The original creators of this music were never compensated for their work, and the initiatives seek to right this injustice, albeit in a small way, by paying this debt forward to local organizations that support musicians and artists of color.

Five for Five Offerings
We participate in the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) 5 for 5 special offerings. These special offerings happen periodically throughout the year and go toward supporting many national and international justice initiatives.
Pokanoket Land Acknowledgment
We recognize that we are not the first inhabitants of this land. Although our church has stood for over 300 years, there were others here that were displaced upon our ancestor’s arrival. We repent of the sins that displaced these inhabitants.