Complete List of Ministry Teams
This is a list of all the Ministry Teams currently active in our church. Recognizing that Ministry Teams are being created, retired, and evolving at any given time, this is our best effort at an up to date list of teams and their most recent Team Leader.
To find out more information about each team you can click on the Ministry Area heading, Ministry Coordinator name, Ministry Team name, or Team Leader name as available.
We’d love for you to get involved in any way you want! And, if there is a ministry you would like to get involved in that is not listed below, there are easy ways to create a new Ministry Team around your particular passion. Information on starting a new team is found here.
Also, if you came to this page looking for information on our Governing Board, that information is found on our Church Resources page, along with a lot of other helpful resources for our members.
BCCUCC List of Teams and Team Leaders (2024-2025)
Chancel Team Beth Buckley
Deacons Pat Stoddard
Music Team Matthew Marion
Pageant Team
Sing & Celebrate Team Kate Colby
Ushers Team Bethia Rosner
Worship Tech Team Tom Colby
Easter Egg Hunt Team Jack Mycroft
Elevette Team Jay Buckley
Greeters Team Trinki Brueckner
Open Door Sunday Team
Publicity Team
Trunk or Treat Team
Congregational Care Racquel Ray
Bereavement Group Racquel Ray
Book Club Helen Schall
Coffee Hour Team
Lay Visitation Team Racquel Ray
Pot-Luck Team Racquel Ray
Softball Team Tom Kiley
Women of Faith Team Jane Tonn
Youth Group Team Racquel Ray
5 for 5/Special Offerings Nancy Arena
B.I.P. Team Trinki Brueckner
Negro Spirituals Team Helen Schall
Solar Team Racquel Ray
ONA Team Dale Azevedo
Knitting for Others Team Nancy Arena
Loaves and Fishes Team
Local Outreach Team Nancy Arena
Mission Trip Team JoAnne Waite
Refugee Outreach Team Lory McCoy
Faith Formation Andrea Bullard
Adult Formation Team Dale Azevedo
Church School Team Fred Rocco
Confirmation Team Racquel Ray
Nursery Team Andrea Terni
O.W.L. Team Andrea Terni
Finance Tom Colby
Stewardship Team
Endowment Team Kate Colby
Treasurer Leo Drury
Budget Development Tom Colby
Budget Monitoring
Property Paul Dennis
Church Bldg. Team Paul Dennis
Landscaping Team Eileen Dennis
Parsonage Team
Building Rental Team Sam Sylvester
Administration Dale Azevedo
Personnel Team
Nominating Team
Historical Team Dianne Wilkin