Music is an important part of our ministry and everyone is welcome to join, whether or not you have experience. Our music program is directed by Matthew Marion, an amazing musician, pianist, and choral director who has been with our church Since 2023. We have a Senior Choir, a Sing & Celebrate Choir for children, and 2 octave set of bells which are used occasionally to enhance worship.
Senior Choir
Senior Choir rehearsal is on Wednesday nights, 7:30-9:00 pm and again on Sunday mornings before worship. We are always looking for more voices to make a joyful noise unto the Lord (and have some fun along the way).

Sing and Celebrate Choir
Our Sing and Celebrate Choir is led by Kate Colby along with Mr. Marion. They seek to share their special music 3-4 times throughout the year. They rehearse on Sundays after worship.
Special Music
We sometimes have special musical offerings during worship with guest instrumentalists, singers, or choral groups, and also offer concerts from time to time of a variety of genres such as touring college choirs or professional gospel singers.