Chancel Fund Donations Requested
Every Christmas we invite the congregation to make donations to The Chancel Fund which is used to pay for the plants that decorate the sanctuary at Christmas, as well as the plants that are delivered by the Deacons to our homebound, sick and recently bereaved. Donations to the Chancel Fund, in any amount, may be made in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for, or celebration of, someone or something (a person, birthday, anniversary, etc). The donors and dedications will be listed in the...
BCCUCC is Reaching Out Vol. 3!!!
BCCUCC Reaching Out Vol.2 Released!

Trunk or Treat was a Huge Success!!
We had a beautiful day and wonderful turnout for this year's Trunk or Treat! Thanks to everyone joined in the fun! Be sure to join us again next year!!

Join Us for Trunk or Treat 2022
It’s that time of year for costumes and treats! Our annual Trunk or Treat will be Sunday, October 30 right after church around 11:15 am. We are once again inviting the whole community to join us for the fun and therefore we need your help to bring on the BOO factor! Please consider decorating your car (and maybe wearing a costume) in a kid friendly way. Then handing out treats to those in costume. We are asking everyone interested in decorating their car to sign up so that we can accurately...
BCCUCC Reaching Out Vol. 1 Released!

Loaves and Fishes BACKPACK program returns
BCCUCC Loaves and Fishes BACKPACK program is back for another school year! Each month we distribute 25 full bags of food to students at the DelSesto Middle School in Providence. We continue to partner with We Share Hope and Books are Wings, but to supplement these donations and fill the bags, we hope to add regular items each month such as peanut butter, bread, oatmeal, canned tuna, canned chicken, pasta, pasta sauce, fruit cups, shelf stable pudding. Sign up to mark which items and how much...

Rev. Marilyn Kendrix to Preach on Systemic Racism
On Sunday, October 23 the Rev. Marilyn Kendrix will be our guest preacher. Marilyn retired as one of the three Bridge Conference Minsters of the Southern New England Conference in January 2021. Prior to her work at SNEUCC, Marilyn served as Conference Minister of the RI Conference, and pastored two churches in Connecticut. Since 2012, her personal ministry has included preaching at over 170 churches and other venues to raise awareness about mass incarceration in America. Her current preaching...