BCCUCC Visits the Farm School
As the Green Team considers ways to "Green" our church, one persistent idea has been to create a pollinator garden on the church grounds. To learn more about pollinator gardens, the team visited the Barrington Farm School on Sunday and met with Felipe Ferreras and Blaise Rein who were the planners and creators of the garden. Felipe and Blaise shared their enthusiasm and knowledge with us as we toured the garden. Blaise's mother was also there and reminded us of the long connection that the...

Holy Week and Easter Worship Schedule
Join us for Holy Week Services, April 10th – 17th Holy Week begins next Sunday (4/10). Can you believe it? Our Holy Week observations begin with a Lenten Palm Sunday Walk on your way into church on Palm Sunday. Racquel and Dale are lining the Riverwalk behind the education building with reminders of our Lenten journey and a celebration of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. The walk will begin at the parking lot south of the education building and continue along the Barrington River leading...

OGHS Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is one of the 4 offerings that UCC churches nationwide are asked to take each year. This year's theme is 'Love Remains'. When you give to One Great Hour of Sharing you deploy resources to people in need all around the world, and in our own communities. When man-made or natural disasters strike, love responds. Not just for the immediate future, but for the long haul. When you give to OGHS you are working alongside families to restore not only structures, but...

Church School Returned!!
HOORAY!!! Church school resumed last Sunday, March 27th. We are excited to welcome the kiddos into the Education Building to participate in all of our children’s programs. Masks are now optional. If anyone is not feeling their best, please enjoy the children’s message during the service from home. Nursery Care is also available! Nursery Care is available every Sunday morning for children aged 3 and under. Our nursery is located in the Education building across the driveway from the...

East Bay Kids Clothes and Toy Swap returns
After several months hiatus due to the omicron virus, the East Bay Kids Clothes and Toy Swap will return on Saturday, March 19th from 9 - 11 am in Fellowship Hall. It's a place to trade clean clothes & shoes that no longer fit and get the next size up! Size newborn to age 12. Give what you can, take what you need. There's a $5 donation at the door, but no-one is turned away. For more information, visit their Facebook page.

Loaves and Fishes RI needs volunteers
BCCUCC’s ministry with Loaves and Fishes RI is changing and we need volunteers to make it happen. We're going to be providing food to a select group of students in need at DelSesto Middle School in Providence. We are partnering with We Share Hope to receive groceries to provide 25 student families with food items. Additionally, Books are Wings have generously offered to donate 2 books per student as a precious gift of literacy. We will be making our first delivery to the DelSesto School on...

UCC issues emergency appeal for Ukraine
Situation Report: On February 24, 2022 the Russian military attacked Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of persons have already sought refuge outside of Ukraine. Others have remained in the country but are displaced from their homes. The humanitarian crisis is accelerating in Ukraine and in neighboring countries as the violence escalates and the number of people on the move multiplies. UCC Response: The United Church of Christ is appealing for support for refugees and for elderly and other...

Lenten Bible Study
Journey through Lent to Earth Day exploring the complex issues around Environmental Justice in an 8 Week Bible Study prepared by the SNEUCC Minister for Environment and Economic Justice, Emma Brewer-Wallin. Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin will be joining BCCUCC on Sunday April 24th as a Mission & Justice invited guest preacher. Join Pastor Racquel Ray weekly via Zoom from 6 - 7 pm on Thursday evenings March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7, 14, & 21 as we take up the topic of environmental...