From the River's Edge

The Pastors' Blog
Go Outside

Go Outside

by Rev. Racquel Ray, Associate Minister of Congregational Life   Christianity is an embodied faith. Beginning with the Incarnation of Jesus, humans are called to relationship with God in body, mind, and spirit. Paul’s letters speak much about the flesh; our temptations, our faults, and our shortcomings. But, even with the limitations of the human condition, we are still called and enabled...

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Grab-bag Summer Sermon Series

Grab-bag Summer Sermon Series

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister It should be no surprise to those of you who have been around for a while that Racquel and I like to share a sermon series over the summer. Two years ago we had the summer of Elijah (wohoo!) and last year we had Women of the Bible. So, I bet you have been waiting with bated breath on the announcement of what series we will do this summer… Well, Racquel and...

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Sabbath Keeping

Sabbath Keeping

by Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister of Congregational Life   The book of Genesis 2:2-3 reads, “And on the seventh day God ended God’s work which God had done, and God rested on the seventh day from all God’s work which God had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it God rested from all God’s work which God had created and made.” Beloved, even God rests! In...

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The Neglected Stepchild

The Neglected Stepchild

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister Stories have abounded for ages (Cinderella, anyone?) about children who have been neglected by their stepparents. Fortunately, recent research at East Carolina University (ECU) has shown that this fairy-tale trope isn't particularly accurate.1 Sadly though, ECU's research comes a little too late for poor old Pentecost. You've heard of Pentecost, haven't...

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A Spirit of Change

A Spirit of Change

by Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister of Congregational Life   Are you the type of person who has kept their living room arranged the same way for decades? Or are you the type of person who rearranges and rotates regularly to keep things fresh? This week, I’m reminded of Paul’s letter to Timothy, “God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and of love and of...

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Why do you come to church?

Why do you come to church?

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo,  Sr. Minister Those of you who have been attending worship at BCCUCC since before the pandemic may remember the Sunday when I asked everyone to get up and change seats. That morning, I divided the pews into four sections and labeled each section according to a part of our mission Statement. The sections were divided as follows: South: Worships God South-central: Cares...

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