It’s not always comfortable visiting a new place, especially a church. Each congregation seems to have it’s own language and way of doing things. At BCCUCC, we work hard to be as welcoming and open as we can to members and visitors alike. Here are some of the ministries we hold to help welcome people for the first, or one hundred and first, time.

Affirmation of Welcome
We believe that all people are blessed and loved equally by God. Following the teachings of Jesus we heartily welcome everyone into God’s covenantal community. Whatever your race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic or marital status, variety of thoughts and beliefs, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression – whoever you are and wherever you come from you are welcome into the full life and ministry of our church.
Our greeters are one of the first faces you will meet on a Sunday morning. They stand in our narthex waiting to welcome you to worship and answer any questions you may have.
To join this group and welcome our friends and visitors reach out to Trinki Brueckner at trinki49@gmail.com

Elevette Team
In case you don’t know, an elevette is a small elevator. We installed an elevette years ago to allow those with hardship walking or who are wheelchair bound to attend worship in our sanctuary. Each week members of our elevette team come to ferry folks to and from our second floor sanctuary. Thanks team!
To volunteer, contact our Elevette Team leader, Jay Buckley at pbuckley6@cox.net.
Open Doors Sunday
We kick off each program year with a special celebration Sunday. Not only is worship an all-ages event, but we also often have a cookout with a bouncy house, dunk tank, or some other wild activity! And, yes, it seems a tradition that the ice cream truck MUST make an appearance!

Trunk or Treat
This October, come join us for our annual Trunk or Treat! This has been a tradition at BCCUCC since 2017. We cordon off a portion of our parking lot as a safe place for kids to come and trick or treat after church. It is usually held on the last Sunday if October immediately following worship.
This event is open to the community and we love to celebrate people of all ages dressed in costume!
Easter Egg Hunt
What’s Easter without an good old easter egg hunt? Well, a celebration of the Resurrection! That’s what! But even so, it’s still fun to have a hunt outside for the little kiddos. We hold an annual, young-child-friendly, easter egg hunt on our grounds. Come and help out or just come and enjoy the fun!