Church Chats with Pastor Dale

Church Chats with Pastor Dale

by Rev. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I want to connect with you! For some of you, it has been ages since I have seen you or spoken with you. Even the simple handshake or hug with an exchange of a few sentences after worship or as we walked out of a church meeting felt...
What’s In a Translation?

What’s In a Translation?

by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister (Designated Term) A week ago, our Confirmands received their Bibles. It was a chilly Saturday along the banks of the Barrington River behind the education building here at the church. The sun was shining, and Fall was...
Changing Priorities During the Pandemic

Changing Priorities During the Pandemic

by Rev. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I don’t think any of us expected the pandemic to be going on as long as it has. Initially I thought we would have a few weeks out of church and then back in the pews. Then I thought, “Certainly by summer things will return to...