Adult Education
At BCCUCC we like to offer regular opportunities for adult education and faith formation. The offerings ususally take the form of short-term seasonal programs lasting 4 to 8 weeks in leangth. They are open to our membership but also often to friends and other members of the community as well. If nothing is being offered right now, wait a few weeks and hopefully you’ll see something come along. Also, feel free to reach out to the church office or the ministers if nothing seems to be in the pipeline.
See our past and present Adult Education offerings:

Fall Bible Study: Exploring the New Testament
Consider joining Dale for a fall Bible Study! This fall, Rev. Dale Azevedo will be leading a six part Bible study from the Dickenson Series exploring the history and major themes of the New Testament. This is the third part of the series but one doesn’t need to have...

Exploring the Bible: Introduction to the Old Testament
Rev. Dale will be leading a six session Bible Study called Exploring the Bible: Introducing the Old Testament. This is a sequel study to a class Dale held just before the pandemic hit in 2020 and is published by the Massachusetts Bible Society. There is no need to...

The Prayers of Jesus: A Lenten Bible Study
We are told time and again that Jesus prays all throughout the Gospels. He goes up on a mountain. He takes a few disciples away with him. He bows his head. He looks up to heaven. However, for as often as we are told Jesus DID pray, we have very few examples of what he...