I want a potluck supper

I want a potluck supper

by Rev. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I’ve spent much of the afternoon today wrestling with what to write for this week’s blog. One thought that gained prominence was “Keep hope alive!” I couldn’t initially place the origins of this quote, but it resonated with me. It...
Celebrate Our Blessings

Celebrate Our Blessings

by Rev. Racquel Ray,  Assoc. Minister (Acting). There are moments in our lives when we just have to STOP and PRAISE GOD for all of our  blessings! May has been full of those moments for me. We have all been through trials over the past few years. The struggles have...
Moments of Joy

Moments of Joy

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister   Sitting down to write my blog this week, I realize that I often write and preach about the challenges we face and not so much about the joys we experience. Yes, when discussing our challenges I generally do try to place a...
The Triduum

The Triduum

by Racquel Ray, Assoc. Minister (Acting)   The Triduum, Three Holy Days, are for me the most sacred days of the liturgical year. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are considered one continuous liturgy in remembrance of the Passion of Jesus. Each...
Water in the Wilderness

Water in the Wilderness

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister   Israel wandered in the wilderness. The Biblical story of “the Exodus” tells of how the Israelites escaped bondage in Egypt only to find themselves wandering through the desert, the wilderness, for an entire...
Walking the Labyrinth of Life

Walking the Labyrinth of Life

by Racquel Ray, Assoc. Minister (Acting)   As I approached the labyrinth in the churchyard my mind was racing with the list of things I still had to do. The weather certainly was not cooperating, a misty dreary day had turned into an icy, snowy night. Visibility...