New Sermon Series Starting After Easter

New Sermon Series Starting After Easter

Be sure to join us for worship following Easter when Dale and Linda share a five-week sermon series on “Life of the Early Church: and what it means for us today”. Each Sunday for 5 weeks beginning April 11th, they will explore a different aspect of life for the early...

Celebrating our Climate Crisis Workshop

Climate Church, Climate World: a Q&A with Jim Antal On March 14, we held a virtual Q&A with Jim Antal the author of Climate Church, CLimate World. If was a facinating discussion and continues to challenge us as a church to be more involved in addressing the...
Donate to our Chancel Fund this Easter

Donate to our Chancel Fund this Easter

We invite you to make a donation to our Chancel Fund this Easter. Money donated to this fund will be used to help beautify the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday, pay for spring plants to be delivered to our homebound, sick or recently bereaved, and contribute to...
BCCUCC Launches Lenten Egg-a-Day Offering

BCCUCC Launches Lenten Egg-a-Day Offering

The children in Haiti love hard boiled eggs! For those who receive an egg a day through the Egg-a-day nutrition program, the egg might be the only thing they have for breakfast and lunch on many days. The program, started in Haiti in 2013 by the Haiti Task Force,...
BCCUCC to Host Climate Change Workshop

BCCUCC to Host Climate Change Workshop

BARRINGTON, RI – On Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 11:15am Barrington Congregational Church will be hosting Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, for a discussion of his book, Climate Church/Climate World. In his book, Rev. Dr. Antal considers the moral challenge of climate change,...
Announcing a new Lenten sermon series

Announcing a new Lenten sermon series

Forgiveness can be one of the more challenging things God requires of us. At different moments in our lives, it can be nearly impossible to imagine forgiving those who have hurt us. But what is forgiveness, really? What does it mean to forgive someone? For what do we...