

by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister I was reminded this past week of the Buddhist saying that the only constant is change. How true that has been this past year and a half. So much changed. And we have talked about that a lot, perhaps to the point that we just...
My Brain is Mush

My Brain is Mush

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I think the heat has melted my brain. Either that, or it is the pandemic. I sit here today having spent the last half hour pretty much starring at this screen. I’m writing a blog. Actually, I haven’t been writing a blog, I’ve...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister Spring is such a hopeful time of year. The trees are now out in full leaf. Annuals and perennials are blooming. Garden centers are filled with plants that promise bountiful baskets of tomatoes, peppers, beans, and...
Coming back from COVID

Coming back from COVID

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister On Tuesday the Church Council voted to officially announce the plan to begin multi-platform worship on June 27th. This will be quite a change for us. We have not gathered in-person, indoors, for worship since March 8, 2020. That...


by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 NRSV) This passage from the Gospel of John came to me the other day in the grocery store, of all places. I was walking down the paper goods aisle and...
A Morning (not?) Like Any Other

A Morning (not?) Like Any Other

by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister Alleluia, Christ is Risen! It was a morning like many others, and everything was going wrong. I arrived at church 30 minutes early so I could print out the bulletins and set up the sound system before people arrived. I had...