Aug 5, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister Last week I was sitting in a meeting with various leaders in Barrington discussing this year’s upcoming Barrington Day of Caring. (It’s going to be held on October 11th, by the way.) Like everyone else these days, we...
Jul 22, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister It’s so wonderful to be back together once again in our beautiful sanctuary on Sunday mornings as we gather to worship. We’ve been so grateful for the technology that has allowed us to remain connected and worshipping...
Jul 8, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I remember sitting in the back of the bus on the way to elementary school. Of course, I didn’t get to do this in my earliest years because only the cool kids sat in the back of the bus. And I was not one of them. But by the...
Jun 24, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister I was reminded this past week of the Buddhist saying that the only constant is change. How true that has been this past year and a half. So much changed. And we have talked about that a lot, perhaps to the point that we just...
Jun 10, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo, Sr. Minister I think the heat has melted my brain. Either that, or it is the pandemic. I sit here today having spent the last half hour pretty much starring at this screen. I’m writing a blog. Actually, I haven’t been writing a blog, I’ve...
May 27, 2021 | Pastor's Blog
by Rev. Dr. Linda Hartley, Assoc. Minister Spring is such a hopeful time of year. The trees are now out in full leaf. Annuals and perennials are blooming. Garden centers are filled with plants that promise bountiful baskets of tomatoes, peppers, beans, and...