Exploring the Bible: Introduction to the Old Testament
Rev. Dale will be leading a six session Bible Study called Exploring the Bible: Introducing the Old Testament. This is a sequel study to a class Dale held just before the pandemic hit in 2020 and is published by the Massachusetts Bible Society. There is no need to have participated in the first study to jump in now. This study will meet every other Wednesday at 7pm, beginning May 17. This will be an interactive exploration of major themes in the Old Testament, what the writings meant to it’s...

BCCUCC is Celebrating Negro Spirituals
Royalties for Negro Spirituals On Sunday, April 30 at the 10 am worship service there will be a Celebration of Negro Spirituals and a new faith-based racial justice initiative will be introduced to the BCCUCC congregation. This initiative is called Royalties for Negro Spirituals and it recognizes the deep biblical connection between justice and worship, and acknowledges that congregations have been blessed by hearing and singing Negro Spirituals for centuries. The original creators of this...

The Prayers of Jesus: A Lenten Bible Study
We are told time and again that Jesus prays all throughout the Gospels. He goes up on a mountain. He takes a few disciples away with him. He bows his head. He looks up to heaven. However, for as often as we are told Jesus DID pray, we have very few examples of what he ACTUALLY said. In this five week study, we will read ALL the prayers that are attributed to Jesus and discuss what they may have meant to him, to his listeners, and to us today. Join Rev. Dale Azevedo in the church library or...

Pancake Breakfast Returns!
Pancake Breakfast is back on the BCCUCC table and is happening after church on Sunday, February 19 in Fellowship Hall. Von Ray will be flipping flapjacks with the Youth Group and Confirmation Class of 2023 to raise funds for camperships at Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center, a ministry of the Southern New England Conference UCC. All are welcome to stay after church and enjoy some delicious pancakes! The congregation is being asked to donate items for the breakfast and a SignUpGenius has been...

Food donations needed for BCCUCC LFRI Backpack Program
Thank you to the families that helped fill our 25 monthly bags of food in January that went to students at the DelSesto Middle School in Providence. Our next collection deadline is Sunday, February 12. We partner with We Share Hope to provide food to those in need & also with Books are Wings who donate free books for the students. BCCUCC supplements the donations to fill the bags. We collect the following items in the box in the narthex as you go up the stairs to church: peanut butter,...

Soup-er Bowl collection
Please bring in cans of soup for our Soup-er Bowl collection by Sunday, February 12 (Super Bowl Sunday). Our Confirmands will then count and box them up for TAP-IN as they learn about Local Missions. Donations will be taken to TAP-IN on Monday, February 13. Learn more about this national campaign at www.tacklehunger.org. When donating cans, please check the expiration date as TAP-IN cannot accept items that are past their expiration date. Also, pull-top cans are preferred when available as...

BCCUCC Welcomes Our New Music Director
BCCUCC welcomes our new Music Director, Mr. Matthew Marion. Matthew comes to us from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Mendon Uxbridge, MA, but has been involved in the music scene throughout the East Bay and Rhode Island for years. As you can see from his bio included below, Matthew has a lot to offer our congregation and we were thrilled to formally welcome him this past Sunday, January 8th. We are very excited about many of the changes Matthew will bring as we anticipate things will be...

Sun, Jan 1st, 2023 Worship Canceled
Good morning friends and members of BCCUCC, I write to you today with the important news that we have decided to cancel worship this Sunday, January 1, 2023. We do not take this decision lightly, but expect that the information below will help explain our decision. Thursday morning both Racquel and I tested positive for COVID 19. We had each been feeling unwell since Tuesday, but had tested negative until yesterday. It is likely, although not guaranteed, that we contracted COVID at one of our...