Help for Haiti

Help for Haiti

The Haiti Task Force from the Southern New England Conference, UCC, has started up a GoFundMe page for relief for the people of Haiti following the devastating earthquake that stuck the island  on Saturday. This small nation has faced challenge after challenge for...
The Latest on Our COVID Precautions

The Latest on Our COVID Precautions

Check out the latest on our COVID-19 precautions. (August 2021) Please note that ‘all visitors’ referred to in the first bullet point for the education building requirements means both church people as well as those from outside groups using the building. Looking...
In-person Outdoor Worship (5/30)

In-person Outdoor Worship (5/30)

We are excited to announce our first full in-person worship service for Sunday, May 30th. This service will take place at 10 am along the river walk (behind the Education Building) and will be in lieu of our virtual service. We will only have one service on that...
BCCUCC COVID Commemoration Tile Project (UPDATED AGAIN)

BCCUCC COVID Commemoration Tile Project (UPDATED AGAIN)

Our congregation is working to come together through ART! Create a personalized tile to hang at church as a way to remember this time apart during the pandemic. Someone from the project group will be reaching out to you to arrange your participation. We are using...
Major news for BCCUCC worship!

Major news for BCCUCC worship!

News Item #1 It has been a long haul and we have endured much. However, today we are announcing our plan to move to multi-platform worship on June 27. This date is still only a target date, but it is one we believe we can achieve. What does this mean? It means that if...
‘BCCUCC and the Climate Crisis’ Meeting

‘BCCUCC and the Climate Crisis’ Meeting

The Climate Church, Climate World book study group have decided to have a joint meeting with the Mission and Justice Team on Wednesday, April 14th at 7 pm on Zoom to discuss further actions to address the climate crisis. The meeting is open to anyone else who is...